Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mrs. Krauss

by Sydney

  I have a teacher named Mrs. Krauss, and she is so nice.  Mrs. Krauss used to be my neighbor right across the street.  I was so nervous that I wasn't going to get her but lucky I did.

Mrs. Krauss has taught us so much about California. This Friday,  we are doing a salt and flour map on California.

In the morning, we do Daily Bite, poems, and plexers.

I enjoy having Mrs. Krauss as a teacher.

Do you have a teacher as good as Mrs. Krauss?

Who is your teacher?

What grade are you in?


Ju young said...

Hi Sydney! My name is Ju young. I'm in 5th grade. My teacher is Mr.Lam.
Yes, your teacher Mrs.Krauss is very nice.

Mrs. Yollis said...

Dear Sydney,

Excellent post about Mrs. Krauss! I think she is very nice too.

I'm curious, what is a plexer? Can you give an example?

Your pal,
Mrs. Y♥llis

Sydney said...

Dear Mrs. Yollis,

Thanks for the great post.

A plexer is a brain teaser. For example, on the white board in our class, there is a blank box. Lets say that
this was in it. pig pig pig This means three little pigs (if the pigs were smaller and the pigs were going down). Does that explain a plexer.


Mrs. Yollis said...

@ Sydney,

Thanks so much for explaining what a plexer is. Will you give me another one or two...but don't tell me the answer! I want to figure them out!

Thanks for visiting the Reading Round up post. However, you left your comment on Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog instead of on Reading Roundup! :-( Can you copy and paste it there? Also, who is the author of your book? It would be great to add that to the comment!

Great blogging, Sydney!

Sheriff Y♥llis