Sunday, June 20, 2010

Summer Vacation!

By Sydney

During the summer a lot of kids usually go to a camp. This year I am going to a couple of different camps. I will be returning to Canyon Creek Sports Camp for two weeks(It is a sleep away camp),  I am going to a Tennis Camp that starts tomorrow, and I am going to a Soccer Camp as well.  

I have been to sleep away camp for the  last three years . It will be my second year at the Tennis camp, and I will be starting that camp tomorrow. This is my first year doing a soccer camp.  

I think it is going to be a blast this summer vacation. 

Are you going to any camps this summer?

Have you been to any of these camps?

What are you doing this summer?

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Last Day of School

Yesterday was my last day of school (June 15, 2010). It was a sad day for me.

At the end of the day we had a big group hug.

                      Here is another group hug we had.


      During school hours, we read The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, we cleaned out our desk and we signed each other's year books.

   Last but not least, we saw people walking home for the last time this school year.


    I will miss you, Mrs. Yollis. I will never forget you. You are the best.

                                          ( Pictures courtesy of Mrs. Yollis)

         Do  you want to stay in school, or do you want summer?

What are your special plans for summer?